This past Saturday I went out, something I do so rarely these days… I went for a lovely dinner at Monarch on Kolkovna (Good food, nice wine list and terrible service) followed by an evening out with my best friend and some of his friends at Tretter's (As usual a nice atmosphere let down by SOME members of its wait staff) after 3-4 drinks or about 2 hours, I had the great pleasure to make the acquaintance of a beautiful Dutch woman.
As is the norm for a first encounter of two expats in Prague we shared our stories (How we got here, what we do for fun, what we do for work and any other accomplishments worth mentioning). After just a few moments my respect meter began to climb hearing her story, I was truly amazed by all she had to say from both her professional life to her private life, a true inspiration. Then as most normal first meetings go, it was my turn to share, who I am, who I have become over my time in Prague, etc.
I shared my standard introductory story, i.e. owned my own business at 23, started EBA by 24, went to GE Money at 28 had some ups and downs since, currently getting my MSc at Prague College, etc. Then to clarify, she asked about my cleaning company and EBA, and then she exclaimed with some surprise and shock “Oh your THAT Mark Anderson…”
To which I proudly answered “Yes”
I do not regret who I was from the ages of 23-30. I was tough, aggressive, and outspoken; often confused, scared, and intimidated. I accomplished what some have not accomplished in decades of trying; I made some choices which shaped my future for both positive and negative. I will no longer apologize for who I was, it is in the past, and I hope that we can let it stay there.
If anything I look at those years as my first Masters Degree in International Business. I learned how to succeed and handle success and I learned how to fail. I learned how to play with the big boys, and I learned how to be diplomatic. I learned how to be screwed and I learned how to be screwed royally... I learned that no matter how hard you try you will never overcome your shortfalls unless you own them, accept them, mature from them, learn from them and MOVE ON.
While this next statement may seem a bit grandiose, the stories of “THAT Mark Anderson” have become bit of a folk legend, some hold a little truth, some hold a lot of truth and some hold no truth at all. Some of them I am aware of and some I am not aware of - So please feel free to just ask me to clarify something for you should you be one of those perpetuating the rumors or folk lore, because honestly, it’s time for it to stop.
If I can grow up at 31, I hope those that carry on spreading such tall tales can grow up as well, so both I and they can move on with their lives.
I am not perfect, but I am seasoned, I am strong, I have learned from my mistakes and have become a well rounded individual deserving of a second chance.
My Final Apology – Owning My Wrongs
I openly admit I made some funny and not so funny faux pas in my 20’s, and I could occasionally be downright rude to those who I felt hurt or betrayed me in some way. I was scandalous in my personal life and I offended many without even knowing it. I was aggressive and tough on my employees, and I earned a lot of respect and money too quickly and I abused the privilege.
One thing I have not done is to cheat or steal from ANYONE, EVER so let those rumors be proved or dismissed.
I apologize to those that feel or felt wronged by me and I hope you will understand that I was in a very new place in my life and was not very adult in all my decisions. Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think it may be relevant to…
And please, let’s move on.
And to my new anonymous Dutch lady friend – Thank you for not pre-judging me and for such a wonderful evening! I hope we will have many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!